The 260 Twister Club
IBS has pledged its full support to the Association of Balloon-Entertainers, the 260 Twister Club, which was established on 1 January 2012. Under the impetus of their President Flipo the Club has taken a flying start. The number of members grows every week and the monthly Club days are enthusiastically attended.Anyone who carries the 260 in his heart, is welcome in the 260 Twister Club:
-the professional and the amateur
-the full timer & & the weekend artist
-the debutant & the veteran
-the stage performer & the streetbusker
-the magician & the juggler
etc. ..
The fee is only € 150 + VAT for a whole year !
This is what the members get back for this fee :
- T. U. B. E. S = The Ultimate Balloon Entertainer Seminars : toptwisters from home and abroad are invited to host a Club Day
- LECTURES & DEMOS on topics such as: makeup for the stage performer, legal status, promotion via social media, building a stage act etc. ...
- PROMOTIONS AND DISCOUNTS exclusively for 260-members !
- 260 's-ON-THE-ROAD : travelling to a foreign balloon twister event or festival
- TWISTER ARCHIVE : IBS has a unique collection of articles, recordings, books, posters, videos, pumps,balloon art and gimmicks This library/archive can be freely consulted by 260 TC-members WWW.260Q.COM is the official website of the 260 Twister Club : there you can find all the news, pictures and info regarding activities and workshops! We would love to hear from you what you expect from the 260 Twister Club because it must above all be a Club of you and for you!
The 260 Twister Club Team