Workshops Beginners Balloon Decor
Workshops Basic Techniques Balloon Decor

IBS organises workshops for Ibeginners in basic decor techniques on a regular basis !
Please contact us by phone or email for dates and cost
Here is some general info !
*For whom ?
The workshops are only for people who wish to start up a balloon sales activity : a balloon shop ,a gift shop ,a candy store , a decor business etc ....
*Where ?
The workshops are given in the IBS Cash & Carry , 46 Hogevelden , 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver near Mechelen
*What ?
In these workshops , the basic decor techniques are demonstrated and ‘hands-on’ practised .
This is the program :
-the diffferent types of balloons
-how to tie a balloon
-how to inflate a latex balloon
-how to make a duplet
-how to make a cluster
-how to make a column
-how to inflate and decorate a foil balloon
-how to make a stuffing balloon
-how to make a hot air balloon
-how to make a balloon bouquet
-how to make a poodle and a flower with modeling balloons
The cost for this full day training is € 250+vat per person 'all in' : breakfast , warm and cold beverages , lunch , balloons , use of the equipment etc ....
The workshop takes a whole day : it starts at 09,30hrs and ends at around 16,30hrs with a break for the lunch . At the end of the day ,the participants can take their creations home .